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Ego is the Enemy
- Author: Ryan Holiday
Talk, talk, talk, talk
- Silence is a strength
- Just spending hours talking about doing something doesn’t count as doing it
To be or to do?
- Pretend to have virtues or be virtuous? Try to impress people of be truly impressive? Not actually good examples
- “to be” has compromises
- “to do” means having a purpose, there is only one way, but is hard
Become a student
- Never cease to improve
- Never think of knowing enough
- Have a lesser whom to teach, an equal to confront and a better to learn from
- “It is impossible to learn that which one thinks one already knows” - Epictetus
- Be open to feedback
Don’t be passionate
- Be reasonable
- Don’t be passionate, have a purpose
- Passion highlights the ego e.g. I am passionate about…
- Purpose gives clear path e.g. I must do … in order to …
- Consistent system of improvement is the key, not epiphanies. It’s not as exciting though…
Follow the canvas strategy
- Make other look good as mean for self improvement
- Looking good is short-term gratification
- Be selfless
- Be the anteambulo, the person scouts the way for his patrons. But the person who walks the way first is also who shapes it
Restrain yourself
- Self-control no matter the anger, the circumstances
- Think about the bigger scheme
Get out of your own head
- Live the present clearly, don’t be deluded by the ideas in your head
The danger of early pride
- Pride and ego are best buddies, what’s new?
Work, work, work
- Having an idea is not enough! Put on work!
Always stay a student
- Maintain the mentality to be always a student and open to learn new things
- The moment we believe we know enough is also the moment we stop to learn
Don’t tell yourself a story
- Narratives comes from a sentiment of arrogance or self-defense
- Real success comes from constant attention for details
What’s important to you
- Euthymia: tranquility
- Don’t get distracted from your path
Managing yourself
- It is not enough having great qualities, be able to manage them
- Learn to delegate things to other people
- Responsibility requires clarity and purpose
Beware the disease of me
- Innocent Climb -> Disease of Me
- Ego needs honors to be validated, confidence is able to focus and complete tasks regardless of external recognition
Meditate on the immensity
- The connection with the cosmos (sympatheia) let us realize our “smallness”
- This will keep the ego in check
- At the same time we shouldn’t forget our “greatness”
Maintain our sobriety
- Having goals that affect many doesn’t give us the necessity to appear in front of many
Alive time or dead time
- We choose how to use our time. A dead time can be converted to alive if we have clear goal in mind
- The key is to stay humble, to accept the situation and act with what is our power
- It is easier to blame the circumstances
The effort is not enough
- Do the right thing
- Don’t worry about what we cannot control, i.e. the outcome from that action. Ego expects recognition, validation
- Our worth is not determined by anyone but ourselves
Fight club moments
- Refers to when someone hits the rock bottom
- There are two ways to react to this:
- Anger, blame, fear. That’s ego
- Or do what is in our power and rise again
Draw the line
- When we fuck up, when is the time to stop? Stop to find excuses. Stop to try to salvage our own self-esteem
- Failure and embarrassment are only steps in life, everyone has them. Only ego thinks they are important.
- We don’t do good by avoiding failure, but overcoming it
Maintain your own scorecard
- Give yourself goals and try to meet them. What others say is irrelevant
Always love
- Streisland effect: trying to fight something only to achieve a worse result
- From Barbra Streisland who tried to take down some personal picture from the Internet only the get more popular